
Online Registration Summer Term 2025: 07.01.2025 - 28.02.2025

  • for students via MUonline
  • für university staff: call +43 (0)3842 402 6410 or 6405 or via E-Mail:


Course fee

Please transfer the course fee to the following account:

Steiermärkische Sparkasse
Recipient: ZSBK University of Leoben
IBAN: AT61 2081 5000 4126 9531

Please provide your course number + matriculation number with the transfer.


The costs per course depend on course duration and workload

For students:

4 ECTS: € 50,-
3 ECTS: € 45
2 ECTS: € 35
1 ECTS: € 35,-
0,53 ECTS: € 25,-


For staff members:

4 ECTS: € 120,-
3 ECTS: € 100,-
2 ECTS: € 90,-
1 ECTS: € 90,-
0,53 ECTS: € 50,-


Cash payment is only possible after prior appointment!